Legal DNA Paternity Test

This test may be used when there is a need to legally confirm a genetic relationship between the Alleged Father, Child and Mother (optional). The results for this test can be used for legal purposes such as child support, social security, birth certificate or other custody matters.

Non-Legal DNA Paternity Test (Peace of Mind Test)

The results for this test "CAN NOT" be used for legal purposes. This test gives the alleged father a peace of mind whether he is or not the biological father.

DNA Siblingship Test

A siblingship DNA test is used to determine the probability that two individuals are related as siblings if the father is unavailable.

Grandparentage DNA Test

This test is used to determine a genetic family relationship between One Alleged Paternal grandparent, the Child and Mother (recommended) to establish paternity if the child's alleged father is not available for testing.

Avuncular DNA Test

If the Alleged father is unavailable, DNA from the alleged Paternal Aunt or Uncle can be used to prove paternity.

Immigration DNA Test

This test is used for immigration purposes to determine a biological relationship between individuals. You must have all required paperwork from the Embassy/USCIS office regarding your immigration case and valid government issue photo ID. This test consists of 1 Alleged Family member and I Family member.